Explore the profiles of our dedicated professionals, each bringing their unique expertise and personal touch to the healing journey of our clients. Our team consists of licensed therapists, educators, and researchers deeply committed to providing evidence-based and trauma-informed care.
Click on any team member’s name to learn more about their qualifications, areas of specialty, and therapeutic approach.
Our Clinicians
Please click on any team member for more information (listed in alphabetical order)
Amy Mallory-Smith,
Specialties: Specializing in trauma treatment, expertise in EMDR, cognitive behavioral therapy and prolonged exposure therapy.
Specialties: Integrates comprehensive training in dialectical behavior therapy, CPT, PE, and interpersonal therapeutic interventions to work with acute trauma and complex PTSD.
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Licensed in DC and VA
PsyPact approved to practice teletherapy in these states
Specialties: Application of multicultural counseling, attachment-based therapy (psychodynamic theory), IFS, DBT, and Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization (ASSYST) procedures to address trauma related symptoms and concerns of identity, race/racism, and relational dynamics among individuals and couples.
Specialties: Advanced training in trauma-sensitive interventions including EMDR, CPT, PE, and DBT skills with a focus on complex PTSD and those with identity-based trauma.