TREC DC - an image showing an x-ray of brain activity

Questions about Psychedelic Use? Sarafina Milgrom is Here to Help!

TREC DC’s associate, Sarafina Milgrom, now has openings to meet with clients to discuss decision-making about psychedelic use, explore challenging experiences, as well as integrate and reflect upon the journey after the fact.

Interested in learning more? Here are some common questions about this new service:

What is Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration (PHRI)?
Psychedelic harm reduction will help clarify your goals, desired outcomes, expectations, and possible alternative methods to reach your goals. Together, we will strive to set your intentions if you plan to use psychedelics and help you feel confident about deciding if psychedelics may be right for you.
PHRI includes the possibility for psychotherapy after psychedelic experiences in which we may meet to help process the experience, clarify gained wisdom or insights, provide support for challenges that may have occurred, re-establish safety and security, and translate the experience into meaningful long-term change.

Who might benefit from PHRI?
Anyone who is interested in learning more about the pros and cons of using psychedelics, learning more about one’s own goals, and anyone who has already used psychedelics and is interested in processing their experiences may benefit from PHRI.

How many sessions should I expect from PHRI?
Just like in other forms of psychotherapy, the number of sessions is determined by the client’s goals, unique experiences, and preferences. Some clients may want to meet for 1-2 sessions to get more information on psychedelic use and potential impact, while others may want to engage in therapy for several months throughout their decision making and/or integration process. For all clients, an initial consultation can help identify potential options for therapy length and frequency.

Does TREC DC provide psychedelics?
PHRI practice does not involve administration of any psychedelic compounds whatsoever. TREC DC providers do not supply psychoactive or illicit substances. We do not conduct, condone, or promote psychedelic psychotherapy outside of approved clinical trials. We also do not provide referrals to “underground” (illegal) psychedelic services, such as unlicensed retreats, or unregulated healthcare settings.

Ready to schedule a no-cost initial consultation? Book now! Or contact us for more information.

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